
Greek Grammar

Glossary of Grammar Terms Part 9

Syllable (Συλλαβή): words are divided into syllables in terms of pronunciation τρα-πέ-ζι Temporal clause (Χρονική πρόταση): an adverbial clause which…
Greek Grammar

Glossary Grammar Terms Part 6

Mood (Έγκλιση): a grammatical category of the verb expressed morphologically or syntactically and associated with characteristic semantic differences. Greek has…
Greek Grammar

Glossary Grammar Terms Part 5

Indefinite pronoun (Αόριστη αντωνυμία): a pronoun referring to a non-specific entity: κάποιος, κανείς, μερικοί, καθένας, άλλος, etc. Κάποιος χτύπησε την…