
Greek vocabulary

Breakfast time!

Tί τρως για πρωινό; What do you eat for breakfast?Start with the phrase Για πρωινό τρώω……For breakfast I eat….. δημητριακά…
Greek vocabulary

Morning refreshments

Tί πίνεις το πρωί; What do you drink in the morning? Start with the phrase:Το πρωί πίνω….. In the morning…
Greek vocabulary

morning wake up

Tί ώρα ξυπνάς το πρωί;Start with the phrase Kάθε πρωί ξυπνάω στις ……. Every morning Ι wake up at…….. Are…
Greek Grammar

far from/ opposite to

μακριά =far   /  μακριά από=far from Remember after prepositions like: από(from), με(with),σε (in, at, on), για (for) we use the…