Tips & tricks20 Simple & Fun Ways to Practice Learning Greek31st July 20201. Read a news article in Greek.2. Write a status update or tweet in Greek.3. Listen to the live feed of a…
Tips & tricks10 study tips for exam preparation31st July 2020Organise your study spaceUse flow charts and diagramsPractice on old examsExplain your answers to othersOrganize study groups with friendsTake regular…
GCSETips & tricksελληνομάθειαTips για την περιγραφή προσωπικότητας25th July 20201. όταν παρουσιάζω τον εαυτό μου ή και άλλους καλούμαι να δείξω μετριοπάθεια (modesty). Προτεινόμενες εκφράσεις είναι οι εξήςΘα μπορούσα…
Greek GrammarTips & tricksSpelling Tips20th March 2020The difficulties in spelling of words which sound the same can be greatly reduced if one follows some simple basic…
teachingTips & tricks10 Tips to speak Greek confidently14th February 2020Accept that Greek is a weird language! Don’t try to improve everything! Read full sentences-speak in sentences! Keep calm and…
teachingClassroom Greek activities for kids10th April 2019Getting a Group of kids to Pay attention in a classroom is not an easy task. Whether it is a…