teachingClassroom Greek activities for kids10th April 2019Getting a Group of kids to Pay attention in a classroom is not an easy task. Whether it is a…
academic articlesAncient Greek cultureThe secrets behind the myth of Prometheus6th April 2019Arnold Toynbee professes that there is always a basic myth which dominates the birth of a civilization. For the Greek…
Ancient Greek cultureAncient Greek said to sharpen modern mind5th April 2019 The Ancient Greek Language is one of the oldest written languages on the Earth, and it belongs to the…
Greek GrammarCases and syntactic functions28th March 2019 THE GREEK LANGUAGE The Greek language, like all human languages, has a Lexicon and a Grammar that are…
Greek GrammarThe Greek Alpabet-pronunciation guide27th March 2019Grammar: THE GREEK ALPHABET The Greek Alphabet consists of 24 letters of which 7 are vowels and 17 consonants. Some…
Ancient Greek cultureGreek for kidsteachingAncient Greece-flashcards for kids26th March 2019 H δημοκρατία εφευρέθηκε στην Αρχαία Ελλάδα το 501 π.Χ. Σύμφωνα με αυτή, οι πολίτες κυβερνούν τις…