teachingTips & tricks6 tips for teaching online15th August 2020The following text is really useful for teachers who are teaching Greek online and for those who are taking online…
Greek GrammarThe Use of Simple Present in Greek14th August 2020If you are learning Greek and still struggle with the use of Simple Present in Greek please read below.The simple…
GCSEModel answers for GCSE oral exams14th August 2020The following answers are model answers for GCSE speaking exams. It’s a very useful material for those who are taking…
GCSEModel answers for GCSE oral exams13th August 2020The following answers are model answers for GCSE oral exams. It’s a very useful material for those who are learning…
GCSEReading GCSE13th August 2020The following text is a sample reading test for GCSE exams. It’s really useful for those who are taking Greek…
GCSEReading GCSE 201612th August 2020The following text is very useful for students who are taking Greek lessons or learn Greek by themselves.Education You read…
GCSEReading GCSE11th August 2020Γ. ΜπαμπινιώτηςΜάθε, παιδί μου, Ελληνικά…Τώρα το καλοκαίρι που πολλοί γονείς βρίσκονται περισσότερο χρόνο με τα παιδιά τους, που θέλουν να…
Greek GrammarΟρθογραφία- Μετοχές10th August 2020α) Η ενεργητική μετοχή γράφεται με -ώ-όταν τονίζεται και -ο- όταν δεν τονίζεταιΙσχύει δηλαδή: -ώντας ≠ -οντας π.χ. γελώντας ≠ παίζονταςΕξαιρείται το:…