
Greek Grammar

The verb τρώω in the Simple Present & Simple Future

Simple Present                                    Simple Futureτρώω (Ι eat)                                         θα φάω (I will eat)τρως ( you eat)                                    θα φας ( you will eat)τρώει…
Greek Grammar

The verb λέω in the Simple Present & Simple Future

Simple Present                                 Simple Futureλέω (Ι say)                                        θα πω (I will say)λες (you say)                                    θα πεις (you will say)λέει (he says)                                   θα πει…
Greek Grammar

Feminine nouns

So far you have learned that feminine nouns end in –α  or η and make the plural in –ες.η φίλη…
Greek Grammar

Glossary of Grammar Terms Part 9

Syllable (Συλλαβή): words are divided into syllables in terms of pronunciation τρα-πέ-ζιTemporal clause (Χρονική πρόταση): an adverbial clause which denotes…
Greek Grammar

Glossary Grammar Terms Part 6

Mood (Έγκλιση): a grammatical category of the verb expressed morphologically or syntactically and associated with characteristic semantic differences. Greek has…