Daily conversationGCSEGreek GrammarGreek vocabularyUsing two verbs together2nd September 2019Because there is no infinitive in Greek, if you want to say I want to go; can we do?; they…
Daily conversationGreek GrammarGreek vocabularyteachingTalking about what you like and dislike in Greek2nd September 2019The Greek for I like …(Μου αρέσει) literally means To me is pleasing. To say what you like and don’t…
Daily conversationGreek GrammarGreek vocabularyteachingcontracted verbs: πάω, λέω, ακούω, τρώω31st August 2019Contracted words There are a few μένω-type verbs whose stem ends with a vowel. These verbs are contracted, i.e. shortened…
Daily conversationGreek GrammarGreek vocabularyteachingGreek for beginners- Γεια σου!26th August 2019Greek expressions Saying hello, goodbye & how are you In Greece and Cyprus people tend to be informal with each…
Daily conversationGreek GrammarGreek vocabularyGreek idioms25th August 2019Describe Personalities in Greek with 8 Idioms- 8 expressions you need to know σκληρό καρύδι: a tough cookie Η γιαγιά…
Greek GrammarThe adjective: o πολύς- η πολλή – πολύ (much, many)15th May 2019 Singular Nominative ο πολύς η πολλή το πολύ Genitive – της πολλής – accusative τον πολύ…
Greek GrammarThe use of genitive case13th May 2019 The use of genitive case Possession: Αυτό είναι το βιβλίο του Νικου. This is Nikos’ book. The subject…
Greek GrammarThe Past Continuous26th April 2019 Past Continuous is the tense of narrations and descriptions. It is used in order to describe an action that was…