Greek GrammarFeminine nouns in – ος11th May 2020There is a subgroup of feminine nouns ending in –ος , exactly like masculine nouns.There are only a few feminine…
Greek GrammarNeutral nouns in -ος3rd April 2020There are just a few irregular neutral nouns ending in -ος like masculine nouns.One has to memorize which nouns belong…
Greek GrammarNouns as complements and modifiers of nouns19th March 2020Within a noun phrase (NP) the head noun might be modified or complemented by another noun which is either in…
Greek GrammarMore nouns9th March 2020There is a subgroup of feminine nouns ending in –η that have different plural forms.Sing. PluralNom. η είδηση oι ειδήσειςAccus.…
Greek GrammarFeminine nouns- nominative & accusative case27th February 2020Nominative Case singular and plural numberAccusative Case Singular and Plural NumberYou can also read: Masculine Nouns Nominative & Accusative Case…
Greek GrammarMasculine Nouns Nominative & Accusative Case27th February 2020Masculine Nouns Nominative & Accusative Case Singular & Plural number Nominative case Singular and Plural NumberAccusative Case Singular and Plural…
Greek GrammarPersonal Pronouns Weak form25th February 2020Pronouns replace nouns. Without pronouns, we’d constantly have to repeat nouns, and that would make our speech and writing repetitive.Singularμε …
Greek GrammarNouns- 3 genders9th February 2020Nouns are words for living beings[ Matt, Maureen, shark] things[hat], places[ England] and abstract concepts [ freedom]Masculine nounsFeminine nounsNeutral nounsAre…