
Greek Grammar

Neutral nouns in -ος

There are just a few irregular neutral nouns ending in -ος  like masculine nouns.One has to memorize which nouns belong…
Greek Grammar

More nouns

There is a subgroup of feminine nouns ending in –η that have different plural forms.Sing.                                                            PluralNom.  η είδηση                                    oι ειδήσειςAccus.…
Greek Grammar

Personal Pronouns Weak form

Pronouns replace nouns. Without pronouns, we’d constantly have to repeat nouns, and that would make our speech and writing repetitive.Singularμε  …
Greek Grammar

Nouns- 3 genders

Nouns are words for living beings[ Matt, Maureen, shark] things[hat], places[ England] and abstract concepts [ freedom]Masculine nounsFeminine nounsNeutral nounsAre…