Classical GreekAthenian Democracy: the Assembly1st September 2020The following text is useful for those who are taking Greek language lessons or learn Greek by themselves and want…
Tips & tricks5 SIMPLE WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR WRITTEN GREEK19th August 2020Many people struggle with writing in Greek and it can seem like a real challenge to improve. Don’t worry, though.…
Tips & tricks3 best Apps to learn Greek19th August 2020The following text is very useful for those whoa re taking Greek Language lessons or learn Greek by themselves.1 MemriseHere’s…
Business Greek4 hard Business Greek terms16th August 2020The following words are very useful for those who are taking Greek lessons or learning Greek by themselves.η επιχειρηματική μονάδα=…
teachingTips & tricks6 tips for teaching online15th August 2020The following text is really useful for teachers who are teaching Greek online and for those who are taking online…
GCSEModel answers for GCSE oral exams14th August 2020The following answers are model answers for GCSE speaking exams. It’s a very useful material for those who are taking…
Tips & tricks20 Simple & Fun Ways to Practice Learning Greek31st July 20201. Read a news article in Greek.2. Write a status update or tweet in Greek.3. Listen to the live feed of a…