GCSEGreek vocabularyteachingTips & tricksUncategorizedHow to write a formal letter in Greek- step by step approach20th January 2020Your English friend, Nick wants to enroll in a Greek school to learn Greek. The headteacher, Mrs. Andreou, asked Nikos…
Greek GrammarUncategorizedGreek verbs [Group A, Group B1, Group B2]20th January 2020VerbsAs we already know, verbs in Greek change their ending based on the gender and number of the person or…
Daily conversationHow well do you know Greek slang?27th December 2019You can write your answers in a comment!1.If you’re searching for a casual way to ask your friend about their…
Daily conversation7 Wishes for the Holiday Season20th December 2019Do you want to send a greeting card to your Greek friend? Take this lesson now and send your Christmas…
Daily conversationGreek for kidsGreek vocabularyteachingTips & tricks7 top educational games to learn Greek21st November 2019Mάντεψε ποιος/Guess who – it helps students to describe a person Tαμπού/ Ταboo- It helps students to describe a word…
Daily conversationGCSEGreek vocabularyTips & tricksTalk about hobbies in Modern Greek12th November 2019Talk about your fascinating hobbies in Greek [ Modern Greek] Ποια είναι τα χόμπυ/ ενδιαφέροντα σου; What are your hobbies/…
Ancient Greek cultureClassical GreekGCSEIota subscript – GCSE Classical Greek3rd November 2019When iota comes after long alpha, eta or omega, it is written in miniature form underneath: ᾳ ῃ ῳ It…
Daily conversationGreek vocabularyTalking about what hurts31st October 2019Key phrases Πονάει Ιt aches/ hurts Πονάει το κεφάλι μου My head aches Πονάει ο λαιμός μου My throat hurts…