Greek GrammarUse of the pronoun:καθένας-καθεμία-καθένα21st March 2020The pronouns καθένας are inflected according to gender and case and are always in singular. They are declined like ένας,…
Greek GrammarTips & tricksSpelling Tips20th March 2020The difficulties in spelling of words which sound the same can be greatly reduced if one follows some simple basic…
Greek GrammarThe reciprocal use of the passive20th March 2020In Greek you can use some verbs in the passive voice to express reciprocity (an action that the subjects of…
Greek GrammarThe reflexive use of the passive20th March 2020In Greek you can use some verbs (mostly the verbs of bodily care) in the passive voice to express reflexivity…
Greek GrammarSubjunctive20th March 2020The verb form that is usually preceded by να is traditionally called “subjunctive” (Υποτακτική) and can be used for a…
Greek GrammarHow to express wish19th March 2020Ευχή (wish) A wish referring to the future is expressed by the subjunctive verb forms (i.e. periphrastic forms with να,…
Greek vocabularyLearn vocabulary through recipes19th March 2020Συνταγή για σπανακόπιταΥλικά1 κιλό σπανάκιελαιόλαδο 1 κόκκινο κρεμμύδιμισό κιλό φέτα25 γραμμάρια άνηθο20 γραμμάρια δυόσμοΡίγανη2 αυγά1 λεμόνι1 φύλλοΠρώτα απ’όλα, κόβεις το…
Greek GrammarNouns as complements and modifiers of nouns19th March 2020Within a noun phrase (NP) the head noun might be modified or complemented by another noun which is either in…