Greek GrammarSubjunctive20th March 2020The verb form that is usually preceded by να is traditionally called “subjunctive” (Υποτακτική) and can be used for a…
Greek GrammarHow to express wish19th March 2020Ευχή (wish) A wish referring to the future is expressed by the subjunctive verb forms (i.e. periphrastic forms with να,…
Greek GrammarNouns as complements and modifiers of nouns19th March 2020Within a noun phrase (NP) the head noun might be modified or complemented by another noun which is either in…
Greek GrammarPossessive pronouns19th March 2020Possession is expressed by two structures: a) by the weak form of the personal pronoun, which is placed after the…
Greek GrammarΤhe use of the accusative case in time phrases16th March 2020Language LabΤhe use of the accusative case in time phrasesΤί μέρα είναι σήμερα; What’s day today?Σήμερα είναι Κυριακή. Today it’s…
Classical GreekAncient Greek prepositions14th March 2020Prepositions in Greek for the most part work as they do in English . The principal difference is that the…
Classical GreekAncient Greek: ίστημι14th March 2020Active PresentIndicative Conjunctiveίστημι ιστ-ώ ίστ-ης ιστ-ής ίστ-ησιν ιστ-ήίστ-αμεν ιστ-ώμείστ-ατε ιστ-ήτειστ-άσιν ιστ-ώσι/ ιστ-ώσιν Are you looking for Greek Lessons/ courses in Manchester…
Greek GrammarSimple Past (verb: to be)12th March 2020Simple Past (verb: to be)Ήμουν Ι wasΉσουν you wereΉταν he/ she/ it wasΉμασταν we wereΉσασταν you wereΉταν they wereAdverbs &…