Greek GrammarSubjunctive Mood- 2 activities1st May 2020Activity 1. Make 4 sentences using the continuous subjunctive with the following particles as shown in the examples.για να= in…
GCSE7 Model answers about holidays for GCSE oral exams22nd February 2020Ποιος είναι ο ιδανικός προορισμός για σένα;Δεν υπάρχει ιδανικός προορισμός. Κάθε μέρος σου προσφέρει κάτι διαφορετικά. Αν είχα μία επιλογή,…
GCSEGCSE oral exams- Model answers (school)19th February 2020Topic: School ActivitiesΚοίταξε τη φωτογραφία και να είσαι έτοιμος/η να μιλήσεις για τα ακόλουθα:περιγραφή της φωτογραφίας τη γνώμη σου για…
GCSErole-play GCSE exams/ Topic:school activities18th February 2020Topic: School activitiesInstructions to candidatesYou are talking to a young Greek person during a school trip to Greece. The teacher…
Daily conversationGreek vocabularyteachingsummer activities11th February 2020Tί σου αρέσει να κάνεις όταν πάς διακοπές το καλοκαίρι; What do you like to do when you go on…
Daily conversationGreek vocabularyteachingWinter activities10th February 2020Tί σου αρέσει να κάνεις όταν πάς διακοπές τον χειμώνα; What do you like to do when you go on…
Greek for kidsteachingTips & tricksTips for great learning activities2nd September 2019If you are a Greek language teacher try to use the following learning activities to make the class more interactive…
teachingClassroom Greek activities for kids10th April 2019Getting a Group of kids to Pay attention in a classroom is not an easy task. Whether it is a…