Ancient Greek cultureGreek for kidsteachingHomer’s Odyssey for kids- raspodies α-ζ1st May 2019 Η Οδύσσεια, όπως και η Ιλιάδα, αρχίζει με μία επίκληση στη Μούσα και με την…
Daily conversationGreek booksGreek vocabularyteaching4 great books to learn Greek without a tutor30th April 2019Talk Greek, the bestselling course from BBC Active, which has inspired and helped so many people to learn Greek from…
teachingConsiderations for choosing technology -online teaching22nd April 2019Knowing which technology to use for your online teaching can be difficult and sometimes overwhelming. This article highlights issues you…
teachingClassroom Greek activities for kids10th April 2019Getting a Group of kids to Pay attention in a classroom is not an easy task. Whether it is a…
teachingTips for online tutors9th April 2019“…the way that people behave in a face-to-face context, and the way they behave in an online context are two…
GCSEteachingEssay in Greek for GCSE exams- higher tier3rd April 2019 How to write an essay in Greek for GCSE exams (higher tier) What is this question about? This question…
Daily conversationGreek GrammarGreek vocabularyteachingGreek for beginners Aπό πού είσαι;27th March 2019Saying what nationality you are…and where you ‘ re from Στην Ελλάδα και στην Κύπρο… In Greece and Cyprus… …
Ancient Greek cultureGreek for kidsteachingAncient Greece-flashcards for kids26th March 2019 H δημοκρατία εφευρέθηκε στην Αρχαία Ελλάδα το 501 π.Χ. Σύμφωνα με αυτή, οι πολίτες κυβερνούν τις…