Greek GrammarThe past participle11th March 2020The past participleThe traditionally called “medio-passive perfect participle” comes from the passive perfective stem of the verb and it behaves…
Greek Grammarcomparative or superlative forms11th March 2020Choose the appropriate comparative or superlative forms from the table to complete the following sentences comparative superlative πολύς περισσότερος…
Greek GrammarThe use of comparative & superlative form10th March 2020The comparative is used when two entities are being compared.Το φαγητό που μαγειρεύει η Αγκάθα είναι νοστιμότερο/ πιο νόστιμο από…
Greek GrammarThe comparative form10th March 2020Σύγκριση (Comparison)Comparing entities, people or things involves the use of adjectives in the comparative and superlative forms. Ο κ. Κοντός…
Greek Grammarextra exercises for adjectives Level: GCSE9th March 2020Read Petros’ portrait and then describe his twin sisterΟ Πέτρος είναι ψηλός, αδύνατος αλλά όχι κοκαλιάρης[ skinny], καστανός και γαλανομάτης.…
Greek GrammarMore nouns9th March 2020There is a subgroup of feminine nouns ending in –η that have different plural forms.Sing. PluralNom. η είδηση oι ειδήσειςAccus.…
Greek Grammargenitive case- extra exercises6th March 2020Question 1. Put the nouns in brackets into the singular genitive case H μικρή αδερφή της………. είναι γιατρός. (η μητέρα).Γιάννη,…
Greek GrammarGreek vocabularyTips & tricksLinking words5th March 2020Linking words help you to connect ideas and sentences when you speak or write Greek. We can use linking words…