

The origin of the word chronology

Chronology is a word meaning ‘the study of time’. It comes from the Greek words chronos (time) and logos (word). The adjective is chronological. Putting events in chronological order means:…

The origin of the word Europe

The name Europe comes from the Latin Europa, which in turn derives from the Greek Εὐρώπη, from εὐρύς eurys “wide” and ὤψ ops…

The word: economy

The word economy comes from the Greek word οικονόμος (οικία+νομή), which means “one who manages a household.” At first, this…

Where does the word philanthropy come from?

The word “philanthropy” comes to the English language from Greek. In the Greek tradition, the word philanthropy grows from the words “philos” meaning “love” and “anthropos” meaning “man”…