Business GreekDaily conversation10 smart Greek words to sound more professional27th August 2019Today you’ll learn 10 smart Greek words, you’ll sound professional and positive. just a few small changes can have a…
Daily conversationGreek GrammarGreek vocabularyteachingGreek for beginners- Γεια σου!26th August 2019Greek expressions Saying hello, goodbye & how are you In Greece and Cyprus people tend to be informal with each…
Daily conversationGreek GrammarGreek vocabularyGreek idioms25th August 2019Describe Personalities in Greek with 8 Idioms- 8 expressions you need to know σκληρό καρύδι: a tough cookie Η γιαγιά…
Greek booksGreek for kidsteaching5 Great activity books for kids learning Greek!20th June 2019 1. Εκπαιδευτικά παιχνίδια με τη μέθοδο Μontessori 80 creative ideas for educational activities to do at home…
Greek booksteaching4 great Greek books for levels A1, A210th June 2019specially designed for adults 1. Klik sta Ellinika A1, A2/ Κλικ στα Ελληνικά Α1, Α2 Innovative textbook for learning Greek…
Greek booksteaching3 Learning Greek books for levels B1, B29th June 2019Taxidi stin Ellada (Level B1 & B2) / Ταξίδι στην Ελλάδα B1 & B2 This textbook is the second…
Ancient Greek cultureGreek for kidsteachingHomer, The Odyssey- coloring pages for kids21st May 2019Athena Asks Zeus for Help Odysseus has been stuck on the island of Ogygia with the beautiful sea nymph Calypso…
Classical GreekConnecting words- Classical Greek20th May 2019The following are very common: καί and τε*… καί …