Greek vocabularyMorning refreshments5th April 2020Tί πίνεις το πρωί; What do you drink in the morning? Start with the phrase:Το πρωί πίνω….. In the morning…
Greek vocabularymorning wake up4th April 2020Tί ώρα ξυπνάς το πρωί;Start with the phrase Kάθε πρωί ξυπνάω στις ……. Every morning Ι wake up at…….. Are…
Greek Grammarfar from/ opposite to4th April 2020μακριά =far / μακριά από=far fromRemember after prepositions like: από(from), με(with),σε (in, at, on), για (for) we use the accusative…
Greek GrammarGreek vocabularyclose to / next to3rd April 2020κοντά = near/ close κοντά σε= close toExample Το σπίτι μου είναι κοντά σε ένα πάρκο.My house is close to…
Greek GrammarNeutral nouns in -ος3rd April 2020There are just a few irregular neutral nouns ending in -ος like masculine nouns.One has to memorize which nouns belong…
Greek GrammarPrepositions have survived from Ancient Greek2nd April 2020Some prepositions -most of which have survived from ancient Greek- are followed by a noun in the genitive case: εκτός…
Greek vocabularyFlowers1st April 2020Ποιο είναι το αγαπημένο σου λουλούδι; What’s your favourite flower? Start with the phrase: Το αγαπημένο μου λουλούδι είναι… My…
Greek vocabularyCommon trees in Greece1st April 2020Ποια είναι τα πιο συνήθη δέντρα στην Ελλάδα; What are the most common trees in Greece? Start the phrase Τα…