
Greek Grammar

far from/ opposite to

μακριά =far   /  μακριά από=far fromRemember after prepositions like: από(from), με(with),σε (in, at, on), για (for) we use the accusative…
Greek Grammar

Neutral nouns in -ος

There are just a few irregular neutral nouns ending in -ος  like masculine nouns.One has to memorize which nouns belong…
Greek Grammar

Simple Future verbs in -ώνω

Verbs ending in -ώνω make the Simple Future in -ώσω    Simple Present                                         Simple Futureπληρώνω Ι pay                        θα πληρώσω  Ι…
Greek Grammar

Simple Future verbs in -ιζω

Verbs ending in -ίζω make the Simple Future in -ίσω  Simple Present                                    Simple Future αρχίζω = Ι start              θα αρχίσω =…
Greek Grammar

Intransitive Verbs

Verbs are either intransitive (αμετάβατα) or transitive (μεταβατικά). Intransitive verbs do not require any complements whereas transitive verbs require one…
Greek Grammar

Αναγκαιότητα (Necessity)

Necessity is mainly expressed by the impersonal verb πρέπει followed by the subjunctive. Πρέπει να κάνουμε συχνά διακοπέςΟ Λάκης πρέπει…