
Greek Grammar

Continuous Subjunctive

The Subjunctive MoodIn generalThe subjunctive mood presents the action or the event as something wanted or expected.It indicates what the subject…
Greek Grammar

The verb βρίσκω in the Simple Present & Future

Simple Present                                     Simple Futureβρίσκω (I find)                                     θα βρώ  (I will find)βρίσκεις (you find)                               θα βρεις  (you will find)βρίσκει (he/she/it finds)                   …
Greek Grammar

The verb πίνω in the Simple Present & Simple Future

Simple Present                                   Simple Futureπίνω (I drink)                                       θα πιώ (I will drink)πίνεις (you drink)                                 θα πιείς (you will drink)πίνει (he/she/it drinks)                  θα…