
Greek Grammar

Adjectives- endings

AdjectivesWhile in English an adjective doesn’t change when the noun changes, in Greek an adjective should agree in gender and number with…
Greek vocabulary

Talking about my hometown

1)Ποια είναι η πόλη σου; What’s your hometown?Start with the phrase Η πόλη μου είναι το…………….. My hometown is ….2)Πώς…
Greek Grammar

Complement clauses

Complement clauses are nominal and function as complements of verbs, adjectives, nouns and adverbsComplement clauses are introduced by: (a) the…
Greek Grammar

extra exercises for adjectives Level: GCSE

Read Petros’ portrait and then describe his twin sisterΟ Πέτρος είναι ψηλός, αδύνατος αλλά όχι κοκαλιάρης[ skinny], καστανός και γαλανομάτης.…
Greek Grammar

Greek adjectives Advanced Level

AdjectivesGreek adjectives are inflected words which either modify nouns (τα κόκκινα τριαντάφυλλα) or attribute a property to them (τα τριαντάφυλλα…