UncategorizedRhodes history18th July 2020Pindar and other ancient writers are very detailed in the description of Rhodes in their manuscripts. The origins of Rhodes…
UncategorizedMore happy thou, performing Member- Cavafy17th July 2020[More happy thou, performing Member] More happy thou, performing Member,Who hast not need of wit’s keen temper;Thou standst on every side…
UncategorizedManos Hatzidakis, a Greek composer26th May 2020Ο Μάνος Χατζηδάκης ήταν κορυφαίος Έλληνας συνθέτης. Eίναι βραβευμένος με Βραβείο Όσκαρ. To πιο γνωστό του τραγούδι είναι:Χάρτινο το Φεγγαράκι…
GCSEGreek vocabularyteachingTips & tricksUncategorizedHow to write a formal letter in Greek- step by step approach20th January 2020Your English friend, Nick wants to enroll in a Greek school to learn Greek. The headteacher, Mrs. Andreou, asked Nikos…
Greek GrammarUncategorizedGreek verbs [Group A, Group B1, Group B2]20th January 2020VerbsAs we already know, verbs in Greek change their ending based on the gender and number of the person or…