Greek GrammarΠλάγιες ερωτηματικές (Indirect questions)11th April 2020Indirect questions follow main verbs of inquiry: ρωτώ, αναρωτιέμαι, απορώ, δεν ξέρω, δεν έμαθα.Τον ρώτησε [αν άκουσε τίποτα περίεργο χθες…
Greek GrammarΡήματα με δύο αντικείμενα (Ditransitive verbs)11th April 2020One object in genitive – one in accusativeThere is a class of verbs, which need two complements (direct and indirect…
Greek GrammarVerbs with prepositional complements10th April 2020There are certain verbs, which are usually followed by specific prepositions. verb+σε : επιμένω συμμετέχω στηρίζομαιExamples: Eπιμένει στις απόψεις του.…
Greek GrammarUse of the passive10th April 2020Passive structures are used in Greek when we do not want to explicitly show the relation between the result of…
Greek GrammarActive → Passive Syntax10th April 2020In passive structures, the active verb form changes to the medio-passive one, the object of the active verb becomes the…
Greek GrammarExpression of prohibition10th April 2020In Greek, we express prohibition with the negative particle μη and the equivalent να– form.Η Αγκάθα θα ήθελε από τον…
Greek GrammarClauses of cause, purpose, result8th April 2020Adverbial clauses may follow or precede the main clause and are introduced by the following conjunctionscause: γιατί, επειδή, διότι, αφού,…
Greek GrammarXρονικές προτάσεις (Temporal clauses)8th April 2020Adverbial clauses have the same functions as adverbs and express a range of adverbial meanings, such as time, manner, cause,…