Greek GrammarSubjunctive Mood- 2 activities1st May 2020Activity 1. Make 4 sentences using the continuous subjunctive with the following particles as shown in the examples.για να= in…
Classical GreekGreek GrammarTenses in Modern & Ancient Greek30th April 2020The following tenses exist in both Modern and Ancient Greek (you will see them presented usually in the same order…
Greek GrammarSimple Subjunctive for A2 level29th April 2020Simple SubjunctiveFor actions happen at a specific timeIt’s formed by the expressions:θέλω να [ Ι want to]μπορώ να [ I’m…
Greek GrammarContinuous Subjunctive for A2 Level29th April 2020The Subjunctive MoodIn generalThe Subjunctive Mood is used basically to express wish, hope, expectation, intentions, and also to make suggestions…
Greek GrammarContinuous Subjunctive27th April 2020The Subjunctive MoodIn generalThe subjunctive mood presents the action or the event as something wanted or expected.It indicates what the subject…
Greek GrammarPhonological processes23rd April 2020σ is pronounced [z] when followed by β, γ, δ, μ, ν, λ, ρ, μπ, ντ. This happens either within…
Greek GrammarWords within words: Derivation23rd April 2020Many Greek words relate to other words through derivation.Derivational elements can be either suffixes or prefixes. The word κίνη-ση is…
Greek GrammarThe verb βρίσκω in the Simple Present & Future21st April 2020Simple Present Simple Futureβρίσκω (I find) θα βρώ (I will find)βρίσκεις (you find) θα βρεις (you will find)βρίσκει (he/she/it finds) …