Greek GrammarteachingNouns +Definite article- Nominative & Accusative Case2nd February 2020Nominative casemasculinefeminineneutero αδερφόςη αδερφήτο παιδίο γυμναστήςη δουλειάτο δωμάτιοο χαρακτήραςτο μάθημαο καφέςWhen do we use the nominative case?The nominative indicates: the…
GCSEGreek GrammarteachingNouns – nominative & genitive case29th January 2020In a highly inflected language as Greek, the role of the words in the sentence is not indicated by their…
Daily conversationGreek GrammarteachingReading comprehension/ Levels A1-A226th January 2020Topic: introductions & hobbies Reading comprehensionΓεια σας. Ονομάζομαι Mary Jennings. Eίμαι από την Αγγλία. Αλλά η μητέρα μου είναι Ελληνίδα.…
Greek GrammarUncategorizedGreek verbs [Group A, Group B1, Group B2]20th January 2020VerbsAs we already know, verbs in Greek change their ending based on the gender and number of the person or…
Daily conversationGreek GrammarGreek vocabulary7 Greek adjectives used in English every day- Modern Greek25th September 2019It’s possible to describe and comment simply but effectively by using είμαι I am, είναι he/she is etc. and certain…
Daily conversationGCSEGreek GrammarGreek vocabularyteachingwordpower23rd September 2019The more Greek you learn, the more you will realise how many English words have their origins in Greek. The…
Daily conversationGreek GrammarGreek vocabularyteachingAll about Greek nouns10th September 2019Nouns (are the words for living beings, things, places and concepts) Every single Greek noun belongs to one of the…
GCSEGreek GrammarGreek vocabularyteachingGreek possessives4th September 2019To express possession or belonging in Greek, you use the following: μου: my (lit. “of me”) μας: our σου: your…