Greek GrammarPresent Perfect or Past Perfective?25th March 2020The past perfective can often be used instead of the present perfect without a significant change in meaning.Ο Γιάννης είχε…
Greek GrammarVerb groups25th March 2020There are two main groups of verbs according to the ending of their citation form, i.e. the first person singular…
Greek GrammarComplement clauses24th March 2020Complement clauses are nominal and function as complements of verbs, adjectives, nouns and adverbsComplement clauses are introduced by: (a) the…
Greek GrammarClauses of Concession / Contrast24th March 2020The clauses of concession / contrast are introduced by conjunctions such as αν και (even though, although), παρ’ όλο που…
Greek GrammarCounterfactual conditionals 2nd Type24th March 2020In counterfactual conditionals, the content of the if-clause has not been fulfilled in the past or most likely will not…
Greek GrammarFuture Continuous24th March 2020Future ContinuousAlthough Greek doesn’t make any distinction between “I write” and “I am writing” in present tense, they do make the distinction…
Greek GrammarConditional clauses – Ιst Type23rd March 2020Conditional sentences have two parts: the if-clause and the result-clause (apodosis). The if-clause is usually introduced by the conjunctions αν…
Greek GrammarSubjects are optional23rd March 2020A clause always has a subject and a verb. However, in Greek the subject might be omitted. This happens because…