

The origin of the word theatre

The word comes originally from the Greek θέατρο, meaning roughly, ‘a place to behold’. The theatre of ancient Greece consisted of three types of drama: tragedy, comedy,…

The origin of the word:physics

The word ‘Physics‘ comes from the Greek Word for ‘Nature’ (written as ‘φύση‘). Origin: late 15th century (denoting natural science in general, especially the…

The word orthopedic

The word orthopedic comes from the Greek ορθός orthos meaning “straight, correct” and  παιδεία paideia meaning “rearing of children.” The term was originally used for…

The word: Sycophant

Unfortunately, the origin of this example is a bit obscure, as no one knows for sure where it comes from.…

The word: economy

The word economy comes from the Greek word οικονόμος (οικία+νομή), which means “one who manages a household.” At first, this…

The origin of the word ‘anthropology’

The term anthropology ostensibly is a produced compound of Greek ἄνθρωπος anthrōpos, “human being” (understood to mean “humankind” or “humanity”), and a supposed –λογία…

The word character

Character can be traced back to the Greek χαράσσειν meaning “to sharpen, cut in furrows, or engrave.” This word gave the Greeks χαρακτήρ,…

The word philology

The word philology means ”love of learning and literature; personification of linguistic and literary knowledge.” It comes from the Greek…