Classical GreekAthenian Democracy: the Assembly1st September 2020The following text is useful for those who are taking Greek language lessons or learn Greek by themselves and want…
Classical GreekThe daily life of the Athenian women(classical period)24th August 2020The following text is useful for those who are taking Greek language lessons or learn Greek by themselves and want…
Classical GreekAthenian women of the Classical Period19th August 2020The following text is useful for those who are taking Greek language lessons or learn Greek by themselves and want…
Classical GreekThe role of the respectable woman in Ancient Athens19th August 2020The following text is useful for those who are taking Greek language lessons or learn Greek by themselves and want…
Classical GreekMetics:Advantages of Living in Athens21st July 2020Advantages of Living in AthensDespite the disadvantages, Athens was still a great place to live. Very rarely, a metic could be…
Classical GreekMetics21st July 2020The Populace of Athens – MeticsMetics were a class of free non-citizens, often employed on more menial, but nevertheless vital,…
Classical GreekThe Populace of Athens – Freemen-citizens20th July 2020Freemen encompassed all male citizens of the city. They were divided into numerous classes whose status reflected the degree to…
Classical GreekSocial Structure in Ancient Athens20th July 2020Freemen were all male citizens: divided into numerous classes: at the top were aristocrats who had large estates and made…