
Greek Grammar

The verb βρίσκω in the Simple Present & Future

Simple Present                                     Simple Futureβρίσκω (I find)                                     θα βρώ  (I will find)βρίσκεις (you find)                               θα βρεις  (you will find)βρίσκει (he/she/it finds)                   …
Greek Grammar

The verb πίνω in the Simple Present & Simple Future

Simple Present                                   Simple Futureπίνω (I drink)                                       θα πιώ (I will drink)πίνεις (you drink)                                 θα πιείς (you will drink)πίνει (he/she/it drinks)                  θα…
Greek Grammar

The verb τρώω in the Simple Present & Simple Future

Simple Present                                    Simple Futureτρώω (Ι eat)                                         θα φάω (I will eat)τρως ( you eat)                                    θα φας ( you will eat)τρώει…
Greek Grammar

The verb λέω in the Simple Present & Simple Future

Simple Present                                 Simple Futureλέω (Ι say)                                        θα πω (I will say)λες (you say)                                    θα πεις (you will say)λέει (he says)                                   θα πει…
Greek Grammar

Simple future [ verbs in εύω]

Verbs ending in –εύω make the simple Future in – έψω Simple Present εύω Simple Future –έψω    Simple Present                                     …
Greek Grammar

Simple Future verbs in -ώνω

Verbs ending in -ώνω make the Simple Future in -ώσω    Simple Present                                         Simple Futureπληρώνω Ι pay                        θα πληρώσω  Ι…