Daily conversationGreek GrammarPersonal Pronouns strong form23rd June 2020Singularto me μου or σε μένα Μου μιλάει. or Μιλάει σε μένα he speaks to me.to you σου or σε…
Greek GrammarPossessive Pronouns21st June 2020The words Sing.“ δικός(m), δική(f), δικό(n) ” (own/mine/ yours etc) Plural δικοί(m), δικές(f), δικά (n) is used to express possession…
Greek GrammarAdjectives- endings9th May 2020AdjectivesWhile in English an adjective doesn’t change when the noun changes, in Greek an adjective should agree in gender and number with…
Greek GrammarNominative- Accusative case & Subject, Object, and Free Word Order5th May 2020Nominative & Accusative caseWhen we use the nominative case.The nominative case indicates the subject in a sentence: Who or What…
Greek GrammarGlossary of Grammar terms Part 1014th April 2020Verb phrase (Ρηματική φράση): a phrase whose head is a verb. It can be either an intransitive verb or a…
Greek GrammarPossessive pronouns19th March 2020Possession is expressed by two structures: a) by the weak form of the personal pronoun, which is placed after the…
GCSEGreek GrammarteachingNouns – nominative & genitive case29th January 2020In a highly inflected language as Greek, the role of the words in the sentence is not indicated by their…