Greek vocabulary4 academic words for writing17th August 2020The following vocabulary is very useful for students who are taking Greek language lessons or who are learning Greek by…
Greek vocabulary8 words that make you fall in love with the Greek language21st June 2020ελπίδα hopeΕλπίδα comes from the ancient Greek word ἐλπίς – the personification and spirit of hope in Greek mythology, often depicted…
Daily conversationGreek vocabularyPopular sports in Greece18th June 2020Ποια είναι τα πιο δημοφιλή αθλήματα στην Eλλάδα; What are the most popular sports in Greece?Start with the phrase: Τα…
Daily conversationGreek vocabularyPopular sports in England18th June 2020Ποια είναι τα πιο δημοφιλή αθλήματα στην Αγγλία; What are the most popular sports in England?Start with the phrase: Τα…
Daily conversationGreek vocabularyWhat sports provide to people17th June 2020Τι μας προσφέρουν τα αθλήματα ; What do sports offer us?Start with the phrase: Τα αθλήματα .… Sports .….βελτιώνουν την…
Daily conversationGreek vocabularyTalking about workout Level: A217th June 2020Σου αρέσει η γυμναστική; Do you like working out?Ναι μου αρέσει η γυμναστική. Όχι, δεν μου αρέσει η γυμναστικήYes, I…
Greek vocabularyWhere is it?16th June 2020To ψωμί είναι πάνω στο τραπέζι The bread is on the tableH μπάλα είναι κάτω από το τραπέζιThe ball is under…
Greek vocabularyWhat do you like to watch on TV?28th May 2020[Όταν βλέπεις τηλεόραση] τί σου αρέσει να βλέπεις πιο πολύ;[ When you watch TV], what do you like to watch?Start…