Daily conversationGreek vocabularyTalking about the weather in England12th February 2020Weather –O καιρός What’s the weather like? – Πώς είναι ο καιρός; Bρέχει = It is raining [Βρέχει συνέχεια=it’s raining all…
Daily conversationGreek vocabularyteachingsummer activities11th February 2020Tί σου αρέσει να κάνεις όταν πάς διακοπές το καλοκαίρι; What do you like to do when you go on…
Daily conversationGreek vocabularyteachingWinter activities10th February 2020Tί σου αρέσει να κάνεις όταν πάς διακοπές τον χειμώνα; What do you like to do when you go on…
Daily conversationGreek GrammarGreek vocabularyteachingTalking about seasons7th February 2020Activity: Ποια είναι η αγαπημένη σου εποχή; Which is your favourite season? Write your favourite season along with the article.H…
Daily conversationGreek GrammarGreek vocabularyteachingThe ‘να’ & the ‘ ότι’6th February 2020Language LabSo far you have learned the infinitive in Greek [ να+ verb] when you want to link two verbs…
Daily conversationGreek GrammarteachingReading comprehension/ Levels A1-A226th January 2020Topic: introductions & hobbies Reading comprehensionΓεια σας. Ονομάζομαι Mary Jennings. Eίμαι από την Αγγλία. Αλλά η μητέρα μου είναι Ελληνίδα.…
Daily conversationGreek vocabularyReading comprehension Level A1, A225th January 2020Reading comprehensionTopic: employmentΟνομάζομαι George Smith και είμαι αρχιτέκτονας. Δουλεύω σε εταιρία. Μου αρέσει πολύ η δουλειά μου. Όμως, αυτή η…
Daily conversationGreek vocabularySlang Words to Describe Other People22nd January 2020Be careful when using these words in front of the person you are describing!Φυτό. literally meaning “plant.” But when it’s…