
The verb βρίσκω in the Simple Present & Future

Simple Present                                     Simple Future

βρίσκω (I find)                                     θα βρώ  (I will find)

βρίσκεις (you find)                               θα βρεις  (you will find)

βρίσκει (he/she/it finds)                    θα βρεί (he/she/ it will find)

βρίσκουμε (we find)                              θα βρούμε we will find

βρίσκετε (you find)                               θα βρείτε  you will find

βρίσκουν (they find)                              θα βρούν  they will find

Also read: The verb πίνω in the Simple Present & Simple Future

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