
The Recessive Accent 3 rules you need to know – Classical Greek

For most Greek verbs, the principle of RECESSIVE ACCENTUATION determines which syllable will receive the accent. In other words, the accent on a Greek verb form will fall as far back from the ULTIMA as the rules allow. There are three rules.

Rule 1:

If a verb form has THREE or more syllables, and the ULTIMA of the word contains a SINGLE SHORT VOWEL, the accent “recedes” to the ANTEPENULT. Whether the penult is long or short is irrelevant:



In this situation, the accent can recede only to the last short vowel sound of the antepenult, so the accent on an antepenult always appears as an acute (“/”), regardless of the length of vowel in this syllable. In other words, if an antepenult receives an accent, it must be an acute:

δώσετε (= δοόσετε)

Rule 2:

If a verb form has THREE or more syllables, and the ULTIMA of the word contains a LONG VOWEL sound, the accent “recedes” to the PENULT:



In this situation, the accent can recede only to the last short vowel sound of the penult, so the accent always appears as an acute (“/”), regardless of the length of vowel in this syllable:

παραδώσω (= παραδοόσοο)

Rule 3:

If a verb form has only TWO syllables, the PENULT always receives the accent. This accent may be an ACUTE (“/”) or CIRCUMFLEX (^), depending upon the following three situations:

1. If the penult vowel is short, it always receives an acute accent (“/”), regardless of the length of the ultima:


δότω (= δότοο)

2. If both the penult and ultima vowels are long, the penult receives an acute accent (“/”):

δώσω (= δοόσοο)

δώσεις  (= δοόσεις)

3. If the penult vowel is long and the ultima is short, the penult receives a circumflex accent (^):

σῶσε (= σόοσε)

σῶσον (= σόοσον)

You can also read: The Ancient Greek Alphabet

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