
Talking about what hurts

Key phrases

Πονάει                                                                      Ιt aches/ hurts

Πονάει το κεφάλι μου                                             My head aches

Πονάει ο λαιμός μου                                               My throat hurts

Πονάει το στομάχι μου                                           My stomach hurts

Πονάει το δόντι μου                                                Μy tooth hurts

Πονάει η μέση μου                                                  My back aches

In Greek….

If you change the word order, the meaning remains exactly the same.  ex. Ο λαιμός μου πονάει or πονάει ο λαιμός μου.

Tip. Some useful additional phrases are :

Eίμαι χάλια! Ι feel awful!

Έχω γρίπη.   Ι have the flu.

You can also  read10 smart Greek words to sound more professional

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