The difficulties in spelling of words which sound the same can be greatly reduced if one follows some simple basic rules. Spelling can be made easier through grammar.
The final /ο/
Only nouns end in -o. The ending -ω is found mainly in verbs.
Other words ending in -ω are: a. Νames of women (Βαγγελιώ, Ρηνιώ, Κλειώ, Μυρτώ) b. The adverbs εδώ, πάνω, κάτω, έξω, πίσω, γύρω
The final /i/
(να/θα) τρέχει να/θα/έχει/είχε τρέξει
το παιδί
η/την κόρη τον /του αθλητή
οι άνθρωποι οι μέθοδοι
τα μεγέθη
You can also read: Cases and syntactic functions
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