So far you have learned how to form the Simple Future for Group A verbs. Now you’re going to learn how form the Simple Future for Group B1& B2 verbs.
Group B1 & Group B2 verbs in the Simple Present end in a strong ώ like αγαπώ Ι love/ μιλώ Ι speak/ μελετώ Ι study
Group B1 & Group B2 verbs make the simple Future by adding θα(will)+verb in –ήσω. Once you form the Simple Future, the verb is no longer a Group B verb as it doesn’t end in a strong ω. So it will become a Group A verb. For this reason, they are declined in the Simple Future like a Group A verb
Simple Present Simple Future
αγαπώ I love θα αγαπήσω I will love
αγαπάς you love θα αγαπήσεις you will love
αγαπάει he loves θα αγαπήσει he will love
αγαπάμε we love θα αγαπήσουμε we will love
αγαπάτε you love θα αγαπήσετε you will love
αγαπούν they love θα αγαπήσουν they will love
Exceptions: There are some Group B verbs which make the Simple Future in –έσω or in –άσω
μπορώ (Ι’m able ) –θα μπορέσω ( I will be able)
πεινώ (I’m hungry) – θα πεινάσω (I will be hungry)
διψώ (I’ m thirsty)- θα διψάσω (I will be thirsty
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