3 Learning Greek books for levels B1, B2

Taxidi stin Ellada (Level B1 & B2) / Ταξίδι στην Ελλάδα B1 & B2

This textbook is the second one of the series «Journey to Greece» for those who are taught and teach Greek as a second or foreign language. The aim of «Journey to Greece 2 – Modern Greek for foreigners, Levels B1 & B2» is to help learners respond to more complex communicative situations, «traveling» through its pages in places of the country, discovering elements of the culture, meeting images and situations from contemporary reality.   The book is constructed by twenty units – lessons. Through a variety of skills related to comprehension as well as production of written and spoken language what is taught is all the grammar, syntax and vocabulary of the corresponding level, according to the curriculum of Athens University for Intermediate (B1) and Upper Intermediate (B2) students and the levels of language learning established by the Greek Language Centre.

Klik sta Ellinika (Level B1 & Level B2)/ Κλικ στα Ελληνικά Β1&Β2 

Τhe aim of this book is to help teenagers read easily, fluently and with good understanding, write clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style in and for a range of contexts, be competent in the arts of speaking and listening.

Communicate in Greek  book 2 Επικοινωνήστε Ελληνικά
Αποτέλεσμα εικόνας για communicate in greek

Book & audio CD. Εxercise instructions, tips on grammar or other language points, and explanations in the grammar tables are all given in English. The Book contains: dialogues, texts, oral exercises, grammar and vocabulary exercises, listening exercises, grammar tables, glossary with English translations, general instructions for the teacher, key to the written and listening exercises, an audio CD enclosed with the book, an appendix in English containing explanatory notes on grammar and vocabulary together with some information on everyday life in Greece. Suitable for the classroom, one-to-one taught, or personal self-study use.

Vocabulary: quizlet/ Modern Greek flashcards

If you want to learn more about Greek books, have a look at Great activity books for kids learning Greek!

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