Clauses of Concession / Contrast

The clauses of concession / contrast are introduced by conjunctions such as αν και (even though, although), παρ’ όλο που (even though, although), μολονότι (even though, although), παρά το (γεγονός) ότι (in spite of the fact that), κι ας (even though), ακόμη κι αν (even though), έστω κι αν (even if), όσο και να (no matter how much).
These types of adverbial clauses might follow or precede the main clause.

Αν και ήταν νύχτα, ο Nίκος βγήκε έξω.

Όσο ακριβό και να ’ναι, θα το αγοράσω.

Ο Μάριος βγήκε έξω, αν και ήταν νύχτα

You can also read:The use of the past participle

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