
Pericles is perhaps most famous for his great building projects. He wanted to establish Athens as the leader of the Greek world and wanted to build an acropolis that represented the city’s glory. He rebuilt many temples on the acropolis that were destroyed by the Persians.

Only in ancient Athens and in the United States so far has democracy lasted for as much as two hundred years. Pericles was not the founder or inventor of democracy, but he came to its leadership only a half-century after its invention when it was still fragile.

To admirers of democracy he is almost without a peer. The society which he led was imbued with his ideas—an overmastering love of Athens, a passionate belief in freedom for Athenians, and a faith in the ability of man. Pericles’s trust in the intellect was shared by Athens’s leading thinkers.

You can also read: Aristotle

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