How you wish something in Greek, in various circumstances

A new beginning in the calendar

Καλό μήνα! – (Have a) Good month! = 1st of every month.

Καλή εβδομάδα! – (Have a) Good Week! = Every Monday

Καλό σαββατοκύριακο!  – Enjoy your weekend!

Καλή χρονιά!  – Happy New Year! = 1st of January

When you eat or drink something

Καλή όρεξη!  – Enjoy your meal!

Στην υγειά σου/σας/μας or “ γεια μας”!  – Cheers! (literally: to your/our health]

Γεια στα χέρια σου!  – «Bless your hands» (a wish to the person who cooked the nice meal)

When you buy something new / or you already bought something new

Even if someone is buying something, people in Greece also use wishes:

Με γεια!  – With health! = enjoy your new acquisition …. Usually for clothes and shoes. (Also used when you had a haircut!)

Καλορίζικο!  – Good luck! = Used when people buy bigger property (houses, shops), or move to another house. From the words, ‘good’ and ‘root’ = have good roots!


Περαστικά! – Get Well! = May your illness pass quickly!

Σιδερένιος!  – “Iron!” = May you be strong as iron again!

For someone travelling or ready to leave, you can wish him the following

Καλό δρόμο!/ Στο καλό! – Drive (home) safely!

Καλό ταξίδι!  – “Have a nice trip!” = Travel by any means of transport.

Καλή αντάμωση! – “Until we meet again!” = may we meet again.

Καλές διακοπές!  – Enjoy your holidays!

A very pleasant and positive wish, you need many times!

Συγχαρητήρια!  – Congratulations

Μπράβο! – Well done!

Και σε ανώτερα!  – «To an even more successful/better future»

A wish you can always use for pupils/students/teachers, some minutes/seconds before the lessons begin:

Καλό μάθημα! – Enjoy your lesson.

For Birthdays, name days, anniversaries, national days, Christmas, Easter

Χρόνια πολλά!  – May you live for many years!

Kαλές γιορτές! Happy holidays!

You can also read: 7 Wishes for the Holiday Season

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