
predicate [κατηγορούμενο]

With some verbs (copula verbs: είμαι, γίνομαι, φαίνομαι, μοιάζω, δείχνω, σπουδάζω, μένω, παραμένω, θεωρούμαι etc.) the noun phrase modifies the subject of the verb and it is in the nominative case.
When the predicate refers to the direct object, it appears in the accusative case.
In both subject and object predicate, the predicate must agree with the modified noun in number and case.

Ο Γιάννης θα γίνει γιατρός

θα γίνει =verb Ο Γιάννης =subject [nominative case] γιατρός =predicate [nominative case]

Θα κάνουν τον Γιάννη επιθωρητή.

θα κάνουν = verb αυτοί = subject τον Γιάννη =object επιθεωρητή=predicate (it refers to the direct object)

You can also read: The past participle

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