Simple Past (verb: to be)

Simple Past (verb: to be)

Ήμουν                                Ι was

Ήσουν                              you were

Ήταν                              he/ she/ it was

Ήμασταν                           we were

Ήσασταν                          you were

Ήταν                                they were

Adverbs & expressions we use with Simple Past

Χτές = yesterday, προχτές= the day before yesterday, την περασμένη εβδομάδα=last week, τον περασμένο μήνα=last month, τον περασμένο χρόνο=last year, πριν= before, πριν πολλά χρόνια=many years ago, πριν λίγα χρόνια=  a few years ago, όταν ήμουν μικρός/ μικρή=when I was young, στο παρελθόν= in the past

Examples: Την περασμένη εβδομάδα, ήμουν στην Ελλάδα. Last week, I was in Greece.

Όταν ήμουν μικρός, ήμουν τεμπέλης. When I was young, I was/ used to be lazy.

You can also read: Nouns +Definite article- Nominative & Accusative Case

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