7 top educational games to learn Greek

  1. Mάντεψε ποιος/Guess who – it helps students to describe a person
  2. Tαμπού/ Ταboo- It helps students to describe a word or an abstract idea
  3. Μία φορά κι έναν καιρό/once upon a time- it helps students to tell a story
  4. Omg/ Oh my Gods-it helps students to learn the Olympian Gods

  5. O τροχός των λέξεων – it helps students to improve their vocabulary
  6. Όνομαζώαφυτά [κάρτες]- it helps students to improve their vocabulary & memory
  7. Γεωγραφία: Ελλάδα-It helps students to learn the geography of Greece

Have a great time!

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