Future Continuous

Future Continuous

Although Greek doesn’t make any distinction between “I write” and “I am writing” in present tense, they do make the distinction in the future tense.

There’s one form for “I will be writing” and another for “I will write.” The “will be …ing” form is called the future continuous, and is used to denote actions that take place over an extended period of time or occur repeatedly. Here are some English examples.

I will be writing web pages for six hours.
He will be giving his wife flowers every week.
They will be doing exercises every day.

This sounds weird in English; we’d usually just use the simple form of the future, and let the words like “every day” cue us in to the continuity

The Future Continuous is also called the Imperfective Future.

This Future is formed only with the future particle θα + the verb in present tense. That’s it!

The job of this tense is to describe future actions that might be repetitive, for example describing a habit, a routine, or continuous actions.

This tense also focuses on the duration. This is why you’ll see some “key phrases” below, such as “all afternoon”, “every day”.

Let’s see an examples:

κοιμάμαι: to sleep→ θα κοιμάμαι

“Το καλοκαίρι θα κοιμάμαι πολύ αργά.

In the summer, I will be sleeping very late.”

The action here is repeated: you’ll be sleeping late every night or most nights. This is why you use the Future Continuous.

Here are some phrases we use with Future Continuous

Greek English
κάθε μέρα every day
κάθε εβδομάδα every week
κάθε μήνα every month
κάθε χρόνο every year
όλο το πρωί all morning
όλο το μεσημέρι all noon
όλο το βράδυ all evening
όλη την νύχτα all night
όλο το απόγευμα all afternoon
όλη την ώρα all the time
αύριο tomorrow
μεθαύριο the day after tomorrow
την επόμενη εβδομάδα next week
τον επόμενο μήνα next month
του χρόνου next year

You can also read: Simple Past (verb: to be)

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